A creamy, luxe night treatment that provides a smarter, more strategic way to address and heal the declining function that is characteristic of aging skin. Superior to prescription retinoids and anything currently on the market.
Innovative formulation leverages the unique benefits of three different retinoid actives to deliver comprehensive age delay benefits gradually and effectively, without causing redness, discomfort, or irritation. This load-sharing, synergistic approach makes MULTI-RETINOL NIGHT EMULSION a much stronger all-round age delayer than simply opting for a higher percentage of retinol.
Formulated without the microbiome-damaging preservatives found in prescription and over-the-counter retinoids currently on the market, MULTI-RETINOL NIGHT EMULSION incorporates everything MARIE VERONIQUE has learned about how various retinoids work to improve skin function. Fragrance and essential oil free.
Repairs cellular signaling to inhibit inflammation and restore optimum skin function.
Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, clears pores, and controls breakouts.
Evens out skin tone appearance, reducing hyperpigmentation and sun damage.
Increases elasticity for tighter, smoother skin.
Restores extracellular matrix integrity and strengthens dermal-epidermal junctions.